
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lana Del Rey! Who?!

Hello Dreamers!
    It started couple months ago when i accidentally clicked a random featured link on youtube, and then here it comes "Born To Die" was playing. Next 2 minutes, I felt there was nothing special with this song just untill the youtoube's player progress button stop moving and suddenly i was like.. uhm yeah i gotta hit the replay button and after 5 times raping that button and i was like Hell Yeah!!! I love this song and that's the first time i fall in love with this Lana Del Rey girl!
       Her vocal is so unique and she's a pretty girl, beautiful and charismatic. All her songs are really deep! when i googled her name i saw there's these few folks said that her songs kinda like depressed, frustrated and hopeless lead to suicide. Hell no..! Really guys are you serious?! I know she's an anti-mainstream musician but that's what made me i love her more.
         Years ago i didn't exactly know who Lana Del Rey was, yes i've ever heard her name sometimes but i didn't know what songs she sang and i didn't even recognize her beautiful face, and i thought Lana Del Rey was Katy Perry LOL huh. The very first song that i heard from Lana Del Rey was "Summertime Madness" from an online radio called Jango and it was a remix and it didn't have any lana's photos on its album cover AND I thought that Lana Del Rey was an old lady because her voices kinda sound like one.
           Few days after that "Born to Die" accident I started to browse about almost all of her songs, looking up on youtube covers and playing them on my laptop, my phone, day and night! Her songs are so addictive. I found out that her real name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant and she loves 80's. So.. here's some of my favorite songs from Lana :
                      - Born To Die
                      - Young And Beautiful
                      - Gods And Monsters
                      - Without You
                      - Video Games
                      - Black Beauty

P.S : Taylor Swift is still number one. eheh :p

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Lintas USU HD Dekstop Wallpaper

Right click image and open link in new tab for full size resolution
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Monday, December 1, 2014

How Important Is English?

 Good day dreamers! as was mentioned on the title above, i'm gonna tell you about how important is english in your life. well, it's not gonna change it a lot but it's really mean and worth to learn at least for me *wink.
       As i'm doing it right now, english is kind of a unique languange because it's totally differ than my native language which's happened to be bahasa indonesia. Well, every language is unique anyway!
      So.. Why do i love to write in english? Lots of people is using english as their communication daily or just formally all over the world. And i'm gonna use it a lot in this blog! but don't worry fellas, i'll write in bahasa Indonesia sometimes when i'm not in the mood or in another purpose and you can just use google translate, i've put it on below the footer just click it whatever language u like. I might be not a good english speaker or writer but i'll always try to learn and learn. Maybe you guys found out that my writing is lack of grammar and has inadequacy in vocabularies, but it's okay if you don't mind. I use google translate sometimes! xo
            As wiki said English comes from west germanic languages including german, dutch, afrikaans and more. In 2010, around 395.000.000 people in the world has used english as their native languange. That's quite a huge number as human population in the world near to 10 Billion in 2014.
I speak english and I scream colors

            Actually i love to write in english, i think it's kinda cool. hastag LOL! and i've spent more than 3 hours just to write this one article only, maybe i sound pathetic or i'm just getting too excited. See you guys on the next post. Have a nice day!

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Taylor Swift As Elza (Frozen)

        Taylor Swift As Elsa (Frozen) an Artwork for Fanbase13th
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Out Of The Woods (Vivid)

    Taylor Swift in The Hobbit : Destolation Of Smaug
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Out Of The Woods

    Taylor Swift in the Hobbit : Destolation Of Smaugs!
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Rebel Scissor

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